I was a CS PhD at UW-Madison, where I worked with Dr. Vikas Singh on machine learning and computer vision projects, some in collaboration with the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center to develop methods for analyzing preclinical datasets.

I completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in 2014, and my master’s degree in Computer Science at UW-Madison in 2016.


Feel free to contact me via email, or at my few social media presences:


This webpage was primarily built using jekyll / minima, and was generally inspired by https://varunagrawal.github.io/. Source here: https://github.com/ronakrm/ronakrm.github.io. LaTeX provided by KaTeX.

I aspire to eventually create posts at this level, but for now it’s probably more important to just publish… Echo Chess: The Quest for Solvability.